Guardamar Guardamar

Area information Guardamar

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Hansson & Hertzell


Guardamar del Segura is renowned for its many kilometres of fine sandy beaches. It has a long high street full of all kinds of shops as well as a busy market every Wednesday morning. There is a helpful tourist office where you can book your seat on the tourist train, a couple of museums, and a large sports centre with indoor and outdoor swimming pools. The marina, which is away from the town, is the start of the Corridor Verde walking and cycling route alongside the Rio Segura. Added to this are two wonderful parks, the Alfonso and the Renia Sofia. 
The inland area of Guardamar is known as the Campo de Guardamar and includes both El Raso and Moncayo urbanisations. El Raso has a commercial centre and a very, very popular and busy market, which is locally known as ‘the Lemon Tree market’ every Sunday morning with over 500 stalls.

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